Rhode Island Plumber Licensing FAQs
Answers to frequently asked questions about Rhode Island’s plumber licensing and continuing education
How to Get a Rhode Island Journeyperson Plumber License
- Meet minimum experience requirements:
- Have at least 5 years of experience in your respective trade AND
- 576 hours of training approved by the Department of Labor and Training
- Submit a completed application with the non-refundable fee of $75
- Pass the Rhode Island Journeyperson Plumber Exam
How to Get a Rhode Island Master Plumber License
- Meet minimum state experience requirements
- Submit a completed application with the non-refundable fee of $75
- Pass the Rhode Island Master Plumber Exams
Master Plumber Experience Requirements:
- Have at least 5 years of experience in your respective trade AND
- Have possessed a valid Journeyperson’s License for at least 1 year
Contractor Master Plumber Experience Requirements:
- Possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Plumbing and/or Engineering
- Have at least 4 years of experience in your respective trade
Rhode Island Plumber Renewal Requirements
Renewal Deadline:
Licenses expire every two years on the licensee’s birthdate.
Odd-numbered birth years: odd-numbered renewal years
Even-numbered birth years: even-numbered renewal years
Continuing Education:
Master and Journeyperson Plumbers must complete 7* hours of approved continuing education courses every 2 year cycle.
*Our courses are not currently approved for continuing education credit in Rhode Island
Getting Licensed
Who needs to be licensed for plumbing in Rhode Island?
Anyone who engages in the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system and who performs any type of plumbing work.
What are the types of plumbing licenses available in Rhode Island?
- Contractor Master
- Master Plumber
- Journeyperson Plumber
- Apprentice Plumber (no test and no fee)
- Master Irrigator
- Journeyperson Irrigator
- Apprentice Irrigator (no test and no fee)
- Master water-filtration/treatment-system installer
- Journeyperson water-filtration/treatment-system installer
Does Rhode Island have reciprocal licensing with other states?
Yes, a master plumber or a journeyperson plumber duly licensed by examination in a state(s) other than Rhode Island, may be issued a license in this state provided that the requirements are the same as this state specifying that person as a journeyperson plumber. provided, further that:
- The applicant submits a copy of his or her current license;
- The Board of Plumbing or Irrigation in each state in which the applicant holds or has held licensure submits to the Board of this State a statement attesting to the licensure status of the applicant during the period the applicant held licensure in said state(s);
- The applicant submits affidavits of having successfully passed a written examination for licensure in the state in which he or she holds current licensure and that such examination was for the classification for which the applicant is seeking licensure in this state; and
- The applicant has successfully passed in this state a written examination approved by the Board in the classification for which the applicant is seeking licensure
What fees are associated with becoming a plumber in Rhode Island?
- Application: $75
- License: $72
- Renewal: $72
Master or Master Contractor
- Application: $75
- License: $240
- Renewal: $240
Renewing a License
When do I need to renew my Rhode Island plumbing license?
Licenses expire every two years on the licensee’s birthdate.
If you have an odd-numbered birth year, you will renew in odd-numbered years.
If you have an even-numbered birth year, you will renew in even-numbered years.
How do I renew my plumbing license in Rhode Island?
The Division of Professional Regulation will send you a renewal card with an application prior to your renewal.
You may also renew online, however online submission of your renewal application does not result in an automatic renewal. The Board of Plumbers and Irrigators must verify that you have met all conditions and requirements before your renewal is processed.
Do I need continuing education to renew my plumbing license in Rhode Island?
Master and Journeyperson Plumbers must complete 7* hours of approved continuing education courses every 2 year cycle.
*Our courses are not currently approved for continuing education credit in Rhode Island
My Rhode Island plumbing license has expired — how do I get it reinstated?
Any Licensee who fails to renew his or her license as provided in subsection (a) of this section may be reinstated by the department on or after the renewal date for a period of two (2) years upon payment of the current biennial renewal fee of seventy-two dollars ($72.00) plus outstanding license fees and a twelve dollar-per-month ($12.00) administrative assessment fee for the delinquency period.
Any license issued under this chapter that is not renewed within two (2) years of the date of its expiration is deemed to be forfeited and the person to whom the license has been issued is required to make written application for an examination prior to the issuance of a new license.
How do I get my journeyperson plumbing license in Rhode Island?
- Meet minimum experience requirements:
- Have at least 5 years of experience in your respective trade AND
- 576 hours of training approved by the Department of Labor and Training
- Submit a completed application with the non-refundable fee of $75,
- Pass the Rhode Island Journeyperson Plumber Exam
What fees are associated with becoming a journeyperson plumber in Rhode Island?
- Application: $75
- License: $72
- Renewal: $72
What can I expect from the Rhode Island journeyperson plumbing exam?
The exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions.
The questions are based on the Rhode Island Edition of the “BOCA International Plumbing Code 2006” and Rhode Island Edition of State Building Code SBC-3 State Plumbing code effective July 1, 2013.
Subject matter covered by the test includes:
- Terminology and Calculations
- Materials and Material Standards
- Joints and Connections
- Traps and Cleanouts
- Plumbing Fixtures, Hangers and Supports
- Indirect Waste Piping
- Water Distribution Systems
- Sanitary Drainage Systems
- Vents and Venting Systems
- Cross Connections
- Storm Drains
- Inspecting and Testing
What does your journeyperson plumber exam prep cover?
- Administration
- Definitions
- General Regulations
- Plumbing Math
- Fixtures, Faucets and Fixture Fittings
- Water Heaters
- Water Supply & Distribution
- Sanitary Drainage
- Indirect and Special Waste
- Vents
- Traps, Interceptors and Separators
- Storm Drainage
- Appendices
- Hands-On Practical Application
- Over 250 Practice Questions & Problems
How do I know if I passed the Rhode Island Journeyperson plumber exam?
You can check for your results online at https://www.ri.gov/DLT/testresults/.
For questions regarding your results, contact the Department of Labor and Training.
A passing score is 70% or greater.
What happens if I fail my exam?
If you fail to pass your examination, you may request a review of the same, in writing, to the Division of Professional Regulation, within thirty (30) days of failure notice.
What is the difference between the Master Plumber and Contractor Master licenses?
Master Plumbers are licensed to do plumbing work.
A Contractor Master is not a license to do plumbing work. Business entities must continuously employ a Contractor Master who is continuously engaged in the supervision of the entity’s plumbing work.
A plumbing business may not engage in contracting, permitting or advertisement unless they employ a Master Plumber and a Contractor Master.
How do I get my master plumbing license in Rhode Island?
- Meet minimum state experience requirements
- Submit a completed application with the non-refundable fee of $75
- Pass the Rhode Island Master Plumber Exams
Master Plumber Experience Requirements:
- Have at least 5 years of experience in your respective trade AND
- Have possessed a valid Journeyperson’s License for at least 1 year
Contractor Master Plumber Experience Requirements:
- Possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Plumbing and/or Engineering
- Have at least 4 years of experience in your respective trade
What fees are associated with becoming a master plumber in Rhode Island?
- Application: $75
- License: $240
- Renewal: $240
What can I expect from the Rhode Island master plumbing exam?
The exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions.
The questions are based on the Rhode Island Edition of the “BOCA International Plumbing Code 2006” and Rhode Island Edition of State Building Code SBC-3 State Plumbing code effective July 1, 2013.
Subject matter covered by the test includes:
- Terminology and Calculations
- Materials and Material Standards
- Joints and Connections
- Traps and Cleanouts
- Plumbing Fixtures, Hangers and Supports
- Indirect Waste Piping
- Water Distribution Systems
- Sanitary Drainage Systems
- Vents and Venting Systems
- Cross Connections
- Storm Drains
- Inspecting and Testing
What can I expect from your Rhode Island master plumber exam prep?
- Administration
- Definitions
- General Regulations
- Plumbing Math
- Fixtures, Faucets and Fixture Fittings
- Water Heaters
- Water Supply & Distribution
- Sanitary Drainage
- Indirect and Special Waste
- Vents
- Traps, Interceptors and Separators
- Storm Drainage
- Appendices
- Hands-On Practical Application
- Over 250 Practice Questions & Problems
How do I know if I passed the Rhode Island master plumber exams?
You can check for your results online at https://www.ri.gov/DLT/testresults/.
For questions regarding your results, contact the Department of Labor and Training.
A passing score is 70% or greater.
What happens if I fail my exam?
If you fail to pass your examination, you may request a review of the same, in writing, to the Division of Professional Regulation, within thirty (30) days of failure notice.
What continuing education is required to renew my Rhode Island plumber license?
Master and Journeyperson Plumbers must complete 7 hours of approved continuing education courses every 2 year cycle.
Who submits my Rhode Island plumbing continuing education course completions to the state?
The licensee must retain all Mandatory Continuing Education documentation for 2 renewal cycles and provide the documentation to the Board if requested.
Are your continuing education courses approved for credit in the state of Rhode Island?
Our courses are not currently approved for plumbing continuing education in Rhode Island.
What is professional development?
Things in the plumbing industry change often. As a professional in your trade it is important to keep your knowledge base up to date so you can make practical decisions for your business. Professional development courses are designed to help you improve your industry knowledge. Whether you are looking for information on new avenues to pursue in your business, wanting to brush up on best practices, or are just interested in learning about a particular topic: professional development is for you!
Is professional development the same as continuing education?
Professional development is different from continuing education. Continuing education courses are mandatory courses that your licensing body wants you to take in order to maintain your license.
Rhode Island Division of Professional Regulation
Plumbers & Irrigators
PO Box 20247
Cranston, RI 02920
(401) 462-8580
Exams are scheduled through the Board of Plumbers and Irrigators.
Once I order a course, how long before I can start?
You may begin immediately! Simply click the Login button in the upper right-hand corner on your desktop or in the upper-right menu on mobile. Once you’ve entered your login and password, you will be taken to your courses. Follow the instructions and enjoy!
Once I start an online course, can I start and stop it at any time?
Our courses are available online, 24/7, and you can log in and log out at any time during the course. If you are going to be away from your computer for more than 10-15 minutes, we recommend that you log out. When you log back in, you will be able to re-enter the lesson you were last in.
How long do your exam prep courses take to complete?
It depends on your learning style and comfort level with the topics we cover. There is no set time for completing exam prep courses — you go at your own pace!
Many plumbers like to re-watch materials, while others like to re-take the practice tests. Our recommendation is to go through the course as many times as you need to be comfortable with the material and any applicable reference books. The more familiar you are with the materials, the better you will do on your exam!
How long do I have access to my courses?
After you purchase a course, you have unlimited access for six months. If you need additional time, please contact our offices to arrange an extension (please note: a fee may apply).
Do your courses have tests?
It depends on course type and location. Most continuing education courses include quizzes.
Exam prep courses have a short quiz at the end of each lesson and a longer practice test at the end of the course. These quizzes and tests are there to help you practice taking an exam and identify areas you may wish to review more.
If I fail a practice test, do I have to take it again?
No. Practice tests are just that: for practice. You will have the opportunity to retake the practice tests until you do pass. The practice tests are there to help you get used to the process of using your reference materials and finding the correct answers during an exam. If you don’t pass on the first try, take the time to note what sections of the material you need to review.
Once I complete a course, can I still go back and review the lessons and quizzes?
You can review the lessons and quizzes at any time during the six months you have access to the courses.